Zobaida Falah Tells Us About the Secret Mechanism of Black Seed Oil in Relation to Your Wellness – Muslim Girl
Zobaida Falah, the visionary behind Cure Your World, joins us once again to let us in on the secret to harnessing black seed oil for a holistic wellness journey.
In our previous interviews, Zobaida has shared the inspiring story behind Cure Your World. Today, we take a closer look at black seed oil and its potential mental health benefits, a core ingredient in all of CURE’s products.
CURE, is a lifestyle brand focused on promoting health and wellness through innovative black seed products. Today, we unravel all the groundbreaking insights you need to know about using black seed oil as a holistic way to transform your well-being.
SAIRAH GORSI [FROM MUSLIM GIRL]: Well, Zobaida, firstly, how are you? It’s wonderful to have you back at Muslim Girl. You’ve shared the inspiring story behind Cure Your World in previous interviews, but for those who might be new to your journey, could you give us a brief overview of Cure Your World and your mission in promoting health and wellness?
ZOBAIDA FALAH: Thank you for having me back! CURE is a lifestyle brand geared towards promoting health and wellness by innovating black seed consumer products that help you feel good and do better. We are a mission-based company so we also donate a percent of our proceeds towards hunger relief programs.
Reflecting on your previous interviews, the headline “Zobaida Falah Aims to Cure the World Through Nutrition and Empathy” caught my eye. As someone who believes in the power of nutrition, especially in addressing mental health, I’d love to explore that further. Mental health and nutrition is a topic that often doesn’t receive enough attention. Black seed oil, a key component in all your products, has piqued my interest, especially considering its potential impact on mental well-being.
What sparked your interest in black seed oil, and how did you come to focus on its potential health benefits?
I was first introduced to the black seed when I was a child. My grandmother was constantly preparing this mixture of black seed, honey, almonds, and other spices. She referred to this mixture as her secret “cure” for everything. My family has always been a proponent of natural Islamic medicine. Growing up, I was taught that we can heal ourselves through the foods that we eat. The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood out to me saying, “Eat the black seed, for in it is a cure for everything but death.” All of these factors equally contributed to the creation of my company, CURE. I wanted to bring this superfood into the mainstream market and allow others to heal themselves through this amazing superfood. Black Seed oil, which is a cold-pressed, concentrated liquid that extracts Thymoquinone or TQ contains antioxidants and bioactive compounds which help fight free radicals in the body which are the leading cause of many diseases. After experiencing the benefits of black seed oil firsthand, I made it my life’s mission to educate, raise awareness, and spread this miracle oil and seed across the world. Black seed oil can help aid in weight loss, skin problems like acne and eczema, inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, to name a few benefits.
Can you elaborate on the specific compounds in black seed oil, such as Thymoquinone, and their potential positive effects on mental well-being? Additionally, how does black seed oil contribute to reducing stress, and anxiety, and enhancing overall mood based on existing studies and findings?
We might have to move to a podcast on this because the benefits of black seed oil on mental health are immense. Thymoquinone or TQ possesses anticonvulsant, anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and antipsychotic properties according to studies conducted on Nigella Sativa’s impact on cognitive functions. Some studies have utilized black seed oil to treat drug misuse or dependence. Thymoquinone’s high antioxidant properties protect brain cells from oxidative stress. It really is a miracle compound.

Studies have proven that black seed oil can positively impact mental well-being by reducing stress levels and anxiety as well as increasing energy levels. The increase in energy levels coupled with black seed oil’s ability to help improve health, weight, and skin leads to an overall improved mood.
Are there recommended doses or formulations for better cognitive function or mental health with black seed oil?
The recommended dose for corrective action based on the research I’ve read is 500 mg of black seed oil daily. However, I believe prevention is the greatest cure which is why I believe taking smaller amounts consistently can help prevent our bodies from reaching the point where intervention is needed.
Can black seed oil potentially alleviate inflammation completely? Considering the growing recognition of the link between inflammation and various mental health disorders?
Studies have shown that black seed has proven to reduce inflammation. Its ability to reduce inflammation, combined with its antioxidant properties, helps prevent various diseases that can negatively impact mental health disorders.
Have there been success stories or testimonials regarding the use of black seed oil in alleviating symptoms of conditions like depression or enhancing overall mental clarity?
While there are various studies showing a link to black seed oil’s positive impact on alleviating symptoms of depression and enhancing overall mood, I have email testimonials from my customers raving about the increased energy levels, which have contributed to mood and mental clarity. The messages I receive from my customers saying that this product changed their lives are heartwarming, especially because the product is rooted in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
How do you suggest people include black seed oil in their daily routine for mental health benefits?
I always recommend starting something in a smaller dose and working your way up. Also, look for a product that you know you can be consistent with. Nothing is worse than purchasing something, visualizing results and then falling out of your regimen due to lack of consistency. I would recommend our Black Seed Oil Gummies to start because 1.) they’re delicious and 2.) they are easy to take and will help you stay consistent.
Are there precautions for individuals with mental health issues when using black seed oil, and how can they use it safely?
I would always recommend speaking to your physician before starting a new supplement if you have any health issues. While the benefits of black seed oil are immense, there may be a side effect that is perceived as positive, but may negatively affect the patient. An example of this may be black seed oil’s ability to help lower blood pressure. Patients who have hypotension may want to avoid black seed oil because it may lower their blood pressure further.

What scientific or clinical research supports the connection between black seed oil and mental health?
A study granted by AJA University of Medical Sciences concluded the use of Nigella Sativa (the scientific term for black seed) as a supplementary treatment resulted in decreased depression scores and an increase in serum BDNF levels that indicate the importance and efficacy of the miracle seed.
Have you personally experienced any mental health benefits from using black seed oil, or is it more about the success stories you’ve witnessed in others?
I coined this term that I like to call, “the black seed effect” because after taking this supplement for a long period of time, you experience this overall glow-up in almost every aspect of your life. I have personally lost over 25 pounds taking black seed oil, which affected my mood and my confidence. I cured my cystic acne and regulated my hormones by taking black seed oil consistently. I applied hair oil twice a week and was able to grow back my temples after each postpartum hair shed. My energy levels are up, I’m taking fewer naps, I’m hardly ever bloated, my digestion is better and my immunity is stronger. Alhamdulillah. I call it “the black seed effect” because it is this holistic and full-circle improvement to your life. I have had customers, friends, and family members experience this effect and I hope to continue to be a part of other people’s experience as well. Insha’Allah.
Have you ever received feedback regarding allergic reactions, intolerances, or cases where black seed oil, despite its historical significance, has had the opposite effect by causing inflammation instead of being anti-inflammatory?
I can only speak on my company’s behalf so I don’t want to generalize. For me, the main concern I have received from my customers is that the oil tastes terrible, which is why we launched the Black Seed Oil capsules and the Black Seed Oil Gummies.
I have had customers reach out saying that they want the benefits of the black seed oil but do not want to lose weight. For this, I recommend you take the oil after a meal to avoid curbing your appetite.
Lastly, can we expect more emphasis on mental health in your future projects?
I am always advocating and emphasizing the link between mental health and the foods we eat, especially the black seed on my social media channels. I aim to help others experience the miraculous benefits that I have experienced and will continue to push the positive impact of this superfood. For more information about these products, be sure to check out CURE’s Instagram page.
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