Muslim News

We Asked 6 Muslim Aussies in Brisbane What Hijab Means for Them and This Is What They Said – Muslim Girl


For Muslim women all over the world — ourselves Muslim Aussies included — the hijab is a sign of modesty and love for Allah SWT. It is the act of covering one’s hair, neck, and chest, following the commandment of Allah SWT as stated in Surah Nur.

And tell the believing women to reduce of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which appears thereof and to wrap their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, fathers, sons, husband’s sons, brothers, brother’s son, sister’s sons…

[Surah Nur, Ayah 31]

Women all over the globe have interpreted the above ayah in their own way but the hijab, in essence, stays what it has always been; a head covering. Unfortunately, the hijab has been one of the most debated topics over the last few decades and has become a symbol of contention for several cultures and countries. It’s also been roped into several political games.

However, for me and my fellow Muslimahs, the hijab is an extremely special part of our identity. I had the chance to ask women of different backgrounds and walks of life from all over Brisbane, Australia what the hijab means to them, and this is what they had to say. 1

Hijab means to me that I put Allah first, that I know that this is not my eternal life and that the seeds I plant in this life regarding my Iman (faith) will grow into beautiful flowers and trees for the hereafter. My hijab means that I am at peace with living in the way that it was ordained for me, it means a sense of community when I see another sister, share a smile with her while indirectly knowing we are alike and are pleased to see a mirror of ourselves out in this world. Hijab reminds me of my purpose, protects me from my nafs, and guides me further in my faith and emphasises peace in my life.

— Iman, a Bosnian Muslim who works in HR and is a hijabi of nearly five years.

The best decision I took as a teenager was to wear my hijab and observe my modesty. Now, after 20 years of being a hijabi, I feel my hijab has empowered me over the years, helping me better myself as a Muslim woman. Being a PhD. holder, mother, a working scientist and living in a non-Muslim country, the hijab has helped me honor myself, my faith, and my identity as a Muslim woman. For me, my hijab is a symbol on internal and external modesty.

— Nadira, a mum, PhD holder and scientist who moved to Australia from Egypt several years ago.

For me, the hijab means my obedience to Allah’s commands and my identity as a Muslim. Hijab is my protection too, because I’m no longer experiencing men whistling or calling since wearing hijab. With hijab I can walk with no fear, Alhamdulillah.

— Rania, a Chinese Indonesian who works in finance and is a revert of five years.

Hijab to me means love. It signifies the love that I have for Allah SWT, the love He has for me, and the love I have for myself. Allah SWT made the hijab mandatory for women out of the love He has for us, to protect us and keep us safe. I wear the hijab because of the love and respect I have for Allah and for my religion. Hijab is also an act of self-love; I wear the hijab not because I don’t love how I look but because I know a woman’s beauty is special in Islam and that is something that should only be shared with Allah and her loved ones.

— Noor, an occupational therapy student and revert of two years.

My hijab is a show of my devotion to my Lord; it is what makes me feel protected from the evil of others and creates a safety barrier, not only from others but from myself. When I wear my hijab, I am more conscious of my outward actions towards the public. With this piece of cloth, comes an obligation to uphold the sentiments of what my beautiful religion stands for. It’s my shield and my strength and my most prized possession. I believe my hijab does not cover my beauty but redefines what beauty is instead.

— hajar, a Filipino mum and officer for the National Zakat Foundation Australia.

To me, hijab is acknowledging that my Lord knows best, and if, as a Muslim woman I am asked to cover, then there is wisdom in it that may or may not be apparent to me — but I believe and therefore I will obey. There is strength in my hijab, plus resilience, beauty, and ultimately faith. Hijab is just one part that makes me a Muslim, and I stand with incredible women of faith across history and since the beginning of time, who have covered themselves in a similar way, and for that I am grateful.

Razeena Omar Gutta, a wonderful children’s book author who released her picture book titled “Hana’s Hundreds of Hijab’s” in 2022 for young Muslim girls to learn more about the beauty of the hijab. 2

To these extraordinary women, the hijab is a direct part of their souls. And I’m sure, if we ask any Muslim woman anywhere in the world, she will reiterate their statements. So ask yourself and share your answers with us! What does the hijab mean to you?

May Allah SWT protect all women who wear the hijab and help those who are still in the early stages or have yet to embark on their hijab journey.

What about you? What does hijab mean to you? Share what hijab means to you in your part of the world with us on our social media platforms!
