Qur'an Memorization Methods for Children | Arabic Window
Qur’an Memorization for Children Children are like little plants. Therefore, we must pay attention to the child and Qur’an memorization and teach him that it is the path of every Muslim in this life. In this way, we ensure that the child’s education from birth is a good Islamic education. If you want to know the best way to help your child memorize the Qur’an, you should read this article. You should read this article.
The Best Way to Help Children Memorize the Qur’an
Here are some ideas and plans to help children memorize the Qur’an
1- Repetition
Repetition is one of the most successful ways to help young children memorize the Qur’an. It is also best if used when the child’s brain is ready to receive the information.
Such a time is the time before bedtime. Scientific studies have proven that the human brain remembers information that is repeated before sleep.
Therefore, you should be interested in repeating the verses you want your child to memorize five to ten times before bed and three times in the morning as well. Before memorizing a new verse, until the child has mastered memorization of that verse.
2- Continuous Review
Using continuous review for your child’s memorization is one of the most effective ways to speed up memorization. You can play the verses you want your child to memorize on the computer, or you can review them in a Quran memorization session. This way, the child’s mind will begin to memorize what has been taught for repeated review.
3- Follow a registration plan
The plan of recording in your voice a set of verses you want to memorize for your child is one of the most successful plans for Quran memorization for children. Following this plan, you can have your child repeat the verses. This way, the repetition will help the child’s mind memorize it.
4- Traditions
When a child memorizes the Koran, follow the plan of imitation. Children by nature imitate the actions of their mothers and fathers. Therefore, read the Qur’an in front of your children. Then the child will imitate you and read with you.
5- Follow a plan of giving gifts, encouragement and praise.
1-When your child learns all the verses and slurs, be sure to encourage and praise him.
2-Reward your child with something he or she likes. Babies love toys, clothes, and candy.
3-Connect your child’s savings to rewarding him or her with things he or she immediately wants to be rewarded for.
4-Remind the child of the status of one who has memorized the Qur’an and that God loves him. He is now one of His bookkeepers.
5-Turn to God for help and assistance in your child’s memorization. And give alms with the intention that God Almighty will open your child to the conquest of knowledge and make it easier for him to memorize the Noble Qur’an.
First Level Qur’an Memorization Program for Children 3-5 Years Old
Many parents wish to follow a specific program to help their children continue to memorize the Qur’an. This memorization program is better and more powerful than seeking the help of a Sheikh. This is because this program contains all the rules and regulations regarding Qur’an recitation.
It is a program that is designed to help the child to memorize the Qur’an and to help him to understand the Qur’an and to learn how to recite it.
Children’s Qur’an Memorization Schedule
When a child reaches the age of three, he/she should begin memorizing the three lines on the first day of the week. This means Saturday through Tuesday and Wednesday through Friday.
In addition, decide on one month per year. During the month of Ramadan, review the slurs memorized throughout the year. By following this program, you will discover that your child has reached the preliminary age and can now memorize from Surah An-Nas to Surah Fatir. Over the next three years, the number of lines is increased from three to six, half pages are reviewed from Saturday to Tuesday, one page memorized in the past is reviewed, the remaining days of the week are reviewed, and new memorized verses and slurs are installed at the beginning of the week. By following this program, your child will be able to memorize the entire Holy Qur’an during the fifth grade.
A Creative Way to Memorize the Holy Quran
There are many ways to help children memorize the Qur’an:
Children recite short Quranic slursa loud with inflection.
You can also explain to the child the meaning of the verses and words in the slur. This way, the childcan absorb it.
A nother way to help the child memorize the Qur’an is to recite it repeatedly in front of the child. This way, the child will be able to recite it on his own, and if he gets a word wrong, he will not move on to another slur. However, the slur must be repeated more than once so that the child can hear it.
Another creative way for a child to memorize the Qur’an is to hear the Qur’an aloud for the child.By doing so,the child can memorize what he hears.
The Easiest and Best Way to Memorize the Qur’an for Children
To help your child memorize the Qur’an ,make sure to use a specialized Academy. Ensure that your child learns the rules of intonation and can pronounce the verses in the correct way.
Have your child read the Qur’an many times. By doing so, your child will be able to read the verses of the Qur’an.
Familiarize your child with the Qur’an in early childhood. This will help them establish vocabulary and make it easier for them to memorize it when they grow up.
He used the idea of competition to get kids to compete with their friends. It has been proven that children participate in competition. This is because children are encouraged to be in a group and are motivated to win the competition and win the prize. Competition keeps children memorizing.
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